Friday, June 29, 2007

{Studio Friday} Summer Brunch

Studio Friday ~ June 29th


Summer time calls for a light snack for lunch. What is your favourite summer snack you treat yourself to in your studio while having a break from creating? Is it hearty or sweet, cold or warm? What are its colours? Is there a dream scenario you keep wishing for at times for a
~ Tine


There's nothing better in summer than a light brunch consisting of cucumber sandwiches and tea!

Photo © David Sanger

That's my ideal summer studio brunch! What would perfect it would be to share it with a friend or 2!!


jillconyers said...

Nice photos! Cuc sandwiches are perfect for summer brunch.

Anonymous said...

Cucumber sandwiches....soooo cool and refreshing!

Monica Yvette said...

That looks and sounds yummy. I'll have to put that on my grocery list for today.

Loreluca said...

Ah! You made me CRAVE!!!! I love them with that sauce I cannot make myself :( Need to get a good recipe!

lee said...

yes that does look good, I am thinking might be good to have for lunch on Sunday.