Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Wow! Summer has surely started off with a bang! This morning we woke at 6am to hazy 80 degrees. You know it's going to be brutal when your windows have condensation on them at 6am.

I came down here to my scrap-studio and booted up the PC. I then went to put the dogs outside. Usually Bailey will stay out for about 15 minutes to bask in the sunshine. Today she was out for, maybe, 3 minutes. It's already very uncomfortable out there.

Our landscapers are just about finished up in the front with everything! I am sooo excited to get the back done and then be able to have a nice party on the new patio!
Pictures to come a bit later. I'm off to scrap for a while before we head off to go swimming with Laura and the kids later. (if it doesn't rain!!) If it rains, we'll head to her house and we'll scrapbook while the kids play !

1 comment:

Pam said...

I just had to tell you that I love the picture of your eyes!